I'm going to write a short, informal blog post today, instant messaging (IM--by the way, I put "IM" in my title without a apostrophe on purpose) style, meaning, I'm putting in emotion faces.
I'm annoyed at how easily I get annoyed. >:| Sometimes I'm pretty nice, patient, caring, and willing to listen to people talk about their problems. During that time, I'm usually relatively happy-go-lucky and hyper. Other times--most of the time--however, I'm in a mood that can be described with, "You shove me, I'll shove back, hoping there's a cliff behind you for you to fall off of, spiraling you to your doom awaiting in the painfully sharp rocks below." Yea-ah. That pretty much sums up how I feel a lot. > >;; I sometimes think I'm bipolar, but maybe I'm just very moody. I'm not too sure what's the difference between the two. :| Anyhow. I'd go into specific times when I felt like that, but there are just too many for me to want to think about. D: Whether it be friends, family, random strangers doing something I don't approve of, there's always a time where I'm just extremely annoyed at one of them. I disappoint myself.
Labels: f myself for f-ing life
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