Monday, July 20, 2009

Ring Ring

I was close to stealing Hee Soo's bicycle today. I can hear Hee Soo saying, "Say what?" as she reads this. Well, as an explaination of the situation. Hee Soo rides her bike to cross country to be a good person and be enviornment friendly. But she also has summer school, so she normally puts her bike in the bike rack inside of school. The other people who bike to cross country just leave it at the bike rack near the parking lot, since the coach is kind of guarding it for them. Anyhow, so Hee Soo came to school and found the gate locked, so she obviously couldn't put her bike where she normally does. She puts it with the other cross country people's bikes instead. Since it's Monday, it's a longer run for cross country again. Ew, I was so slow.
Here's the side-story to this blog post. Yesterday, we had Kuntucky Fried Chicken (I'm sorry you vegetarians, but it's good, okay? I want to eat it once in a while) since they had that new grilled chicken thing, and it looked pretty good. So what I ate was one grilled chickenleg, one fried chicken leg, mashed potatoes with gravy, macaroni and cheese, along with a biscuit. Of course I didn't finish all of that in one sitting, so I ate the rest of the mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese for dinner. Not to mention for dessert I had a slice of chocolate chip cake that KFC also offers (I found out one slice, which is one-sixth of the cake, is 300 calories) and ate that. Basically it was a really productive eating day.
Okay, after reading my side-story and realized just how much of a pig I can be sometimes, you probably realized that I doomed myself to be utterly slow today. May I remind you that there was no practice Thursday or Friday, and of course I did not run on my own. The only real physical activity I did was kayaking, but that really just worked my arms. I drifited from my point again, I think I do this too much (no wonder I suck at persuasive essays). Anyhow, back to the main focus. After we came back from our run, the bell rang, and Hee Soo panicked because she thought summer school already started, but since taking her bike would only cause her to be late even further, she asked me to drop her bicycle off at the bike rack when cross country was over. I did just that, but when I first got there, the gate was locked. For a moment, I thought about riding it home, except I already called my mom to pick me up. When my mom finally came, I explained the situation to her. She tried to stuff the bike in, but our car was just too small for it. I asked if I could ride it home, but she demanded that it wasn't safe for me to ride all the way home, especially without a helmet. I told her I could do it, and my mom even made me ride around the parking lot to prove that a person really never forgets how to ride a bike. She finally gave in but told me to check if the gate was still locked. I really wanted to ride home, but I rode to teh front gate anyways. Thanks to my wonderful luck, one of the supervisors just happened to pass by and opened the gate for me. I was so close. If only I didn't ride all the way to the front gate, I could have just rode past it from a distance and kept going. Oh well. Hee Soo would probably have a panic-attack if her bike wasn't there.



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